MEN’S PAIRS (Monday)
1st Romney Denning John Hurle/ANO
2nd Paul Mortimer John Heenan
Joint 3rd Toby Fiddy James Vincent
Joint 3rd Howard Gurd Amr Garcha
1st Pauline Watts Cherith Deane
OPEN PAIRS (Wednesday)
1st Toby Fiddy James Vincent
2nd Anne Selby Merv Ford
3rd Jim White Tom Woodfine
OPEN PAIRS (Thursday)
1st Paul Mortimer Sandy Hall
2nd Mike Bucknell Roland Batten
3rd Mick Watts Pauline Watts
1st John Heenan Ann Martin Paul Mortimer
2nd Mike Bucknell Mick Watts Roland Batten
Congratulations to the Winners, and many thanks to all for supporting the Indoor Leagues.
Prize money will be distributed as soon as possible.
Steve and Sandie Gregory