Salisbury Bowling Club

Join Us!

New Members Welcome

New members are welcome at any time – to play during the outdoor season (April to September) – or over the winter period (October to March) on our indoor rinks, also to attend our social events.

Early each Outdoor season we hold an Open Day to welcome new bowlers, or anyone interested in the game of bowls.

If you’d like to have a go, or just someone to talk through the game with you, it’s as easy as contacting one of the club officers or coaches. Why not have a go with a friend or partner..

For information on the game of bowls, please view the Game page.

If you’re not sure how to go about this, use the Contacts page for your question and we will respond and make sure we point you in the right direction.

SBC Group

New Bowlers

For those of you who have never bowled before or would like a refresher, please contact one of the Coaches for coaching sessions.

Make sure you ask and are told the process for signing up for games and competitions so you can fully join in with the clubs activities. Once you are confident and the coaches are happy, you can be ‘released into the wild’. As a member you can practice or play social bowls. Check the fixture card for sessions, then all you have to do is get a jack and a mat and find a spare rink.

If it’s possible, it’s good manners to invite people playing on their own to join you.

Friendly Games

It is hoped that you will want to play more competitively and you will put your name down for a ‘friendly’. The Club organises friendly matches against other clubs who are also interested in an enjoyable game. Friendly matches are often ‘mixed’ Most friendly matches are arranged home and away so you get a chance to see and play at other clubs.


There are several league and club events (all included in the fixture information and notice boards). Look out for the Friday evening roll-ups normally followed by food and a convivial sup.

The Club hosts a number of competitions, singles, pairs and mixed. You are encouraged to participate, it will certainly improve your game (even if you don’t always win first time). It’s always good to watch and learn, so look out for matches and if confident volunteer to act as a marker for others (speak to the coaches for marking advice). Playing against better players is a good way of improving your game.

In the same way, you can enter County and National Competitions which are organised by the respective Associations.


Please be respectful to other bowlers whether you are playing or spectating. You will enjoy the experience and earn the respect of others. Some of the questions you may have on etiquette maybe answered on our etiquette page.

Good bowling and enjoy. . .