Salisbury Bowling Club

Outdoor & Indoor Greens

The Green

Green care

The most important asset of a bowling club is its playing surface.

Salisbury Bowling Club has a six rink grass green, which is maintained by a section of club members. These helpers commit themselves through the playing season and beyond.

The green requires cutting at least three times a week during the summer season.

Professional treatment and expertise is provided by Paul Wright and Steve Hill in order to maintain the green at a high standard.

Indoor Bowling

Indoor bowling

Within the club house there are two 23 metre indoor bowling rinks which adjoin the lounge area. Members are able to enjoy indoor bowling during the winter months.

Throughout the winter season bowling competitions are held. Leagues include Men’s Pairs, Ladies Pairs and Mixed Pairs. There are also singles and pairs knockout competitions.

Competitive ‘Club’ sessions are primarily organised on Tuesday afternoons and Friday evenings, with occasional matches arranged with other clubs: this has become busier over the past couple of years throughout the week.

As well as providing enjoyment for all the participants, the rinks provide an ideal facility for beginners to learn (in preparation for the outdoor season) and for more experienced bowlers to improve their skills.