Salisbury Bowling Club

Club Notices

Friday 16 September 2022


As we approach the autumn and our indoor bowls season, some will be looking to enter the winter leagues and attending the roll-ups on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.

As an experiment last year we held a fortnightly get together on a Wednesday afternoon and members were encouraged to participate in an activity. Many ideas were talked about and we had hand bell ringing which was fun but the majority of the time was spent playing a plethora of board games and some light-hearted quizzing. Tea and biscuits were provided half way through and overall it was deemed to be a good idea.

This year, it will be run on a slightly different basis. Still informal and social but more opportunity to turn up for a chat over a cuppa. Taking part in an activity will still be an option for those wishing to play games or quizzing, etc.

Tea or coffee will be available from the start. Heating and lighting is a much bigger concern this year and therefore to cover this and the cost of refreshments, there will be a charge of £3.

Finally, as a result of last years’ sessions, including the contribution to the ‘clubhouse improvement fund’ there was a small surplus that has enabled us to purchase a couple of the popular board games that members enjoyed.

If anyone is able to donate such items it would be much appreciated and gradually we would hope to acquire enough to avoid the need to borrow.

We are lucky to have so much volunteer help in all areas of the club and needless to say ‘Buzzword’ is no different and therefore taking a turn with putting the kettle on and helping with the washing up would be a great help.

We are intending to start again on Wednesday 5th October at 2 p.m. and fortnightly thereafter.

Jackie, Geoff, Jane & Roger 15.9.22

Monday 12 September 2022

Winter Fuel

To all Salisbury Bowling Club Members

A heads-up for winter

The Management Committee is attempting to devise an energy strategy for the winter indoor season that is affordable.

As you are all aware energy prices have skyrocketed!!

The clubs current situation is:
Gas (central heating costs)
Pre July 2022 we paid 4.9p per kilowatt-hour on a fixed rate contract. We now have to pay, on a renewed contract, 11.19p per kilowatt-hour – all before vat is added. Meaning our average monthly winter heating cost will rise from £75 (pre July 2022) to approx £225 per month

Currently we pay 15.82p per kilowatt-hour, on a fixed rate contract, which is due for renewal January 2023. Electricity prices have increased on average by 26 – 30%. Our current winter monthly costs are approximately £130 and will have the potential from January next year to increase to £170 however; it could well be much more, all dependent on the energy markets.

So what can the club and its members do to try and offset and afford these rising costs.

• The Management Committee has agreed to increase the indoor rink fee to £3.00 – it has not been reviewed or increased for many years. This will in no way cover the increase in our energy costs.
• Publish set time periods when the heating will be active in the club over the winter o It is proposed that the Clubs central heating will be on:
– 1pm to 4pm Monday to Friday
– 6pm to 8.30pm Monday to Friday
• The majority of the lighting within the club is low energy LED and Martin Hall has agreed to continue converting the remaining high wattage lighting units.
• We intend to set the radiators in the changing rooms and toilets to frost setting only.
• We are going to attempt to structurally heat zone the club.
• Fill in the window type opening between the indoor rink and social area. o Build a wall with partition doors between the social area and bar. These specific areas instead of the whole clubhouse.
will have to be a long to medium term projects, but will enable the club to heat

Please be energy wise and ensure that lights do not burn unnecessarily, DO NOT attempt to alter the thermostats and ensure doors and windows are closed.

Many thanks

The Management Committee

Saturday 10 September 2022

INDOOR SEASON 2022/23 Commencing Monday, 26th September 2022

Dear All, We propose the following, based on previous years (subject to the amount of interest from Members):

Men’s Pairs – Ladies Pairs – Open Pairs – Open Pairs – Open Triples –
Mondays 7pm Tuesdays 10am Wednesdays 7pm Thursdays 10am Thursdays 7pm

Notices will be put up on the Notice Board in the dining room area by 10th September. Please add your name to the competitions you are interested in. These competitions may be withdrawn if there is not sufficient interest. The start date of competitions will be decided once interest has been ascertained.

Rink Fees: £3 per session

Competition Entry Fees (to cover small prizes at end of season): £3 per person per competition.

Roll-ups: Mondays to Thursdays: 2pm to 4pm; Fridays 2pm to 4pm and 6.30pm Rink Fees: £3 per person per session

CASH ONLY – all monies to be placed in a clearly marked envelope (addressed for our attention) and placed in the letter box in the cellar door (between the kitchen and bar doors).

Any queries, please, to Steve or Sandie Gregory

Monday 4 July 2022


Books and puzzles have been selling well and many thanks to those who have donated. There is now room for more contributions so please bring used books and jigsaw puzzles and place under the book display table in the clubhouse ready for sorting. A maximum of six books per household would be appreciated.

June Clouston

Saturday 14 May 2022


Salisbury Bowling Club has over many years produced excellent dinners for visiting bowls teams, no
more than three or four times during an outdoor season. The meals are generally very simple: just a salad with cold meats, hot new potatoes, and a dessert.

Due to the disruption of normal activities over the last two years we have lost many of our excellent catering team and have had to disappoint visiting teams who have requested a meal.

The tasks of the catering team are:

• Choosing the menu – Numbers to be catered for and budget will be confirmed by the Match Secretary and Treasurer

• Sourcing, costing and buying the ingredients, this is usually undertaken by a couple of members of the team. The Club will cover all costs.

• Preparing the meal, plate it up.

• Organising the team of volunteer club members to serve and clear away.

We already have sample lists of ingredients required for different menus and sized gatherings, so the new team does not have to start from scratch.

All we need is your help to form this new team; some members of the previous team will help and advise.

If you are willing to be involved please contact Valerie on 01980 610528 and we can discuss.


Thursday 5 May 2022

Big Bowls Weekend

Salisbury Bowling Club Is again participating in Bowls England’s Bowls’ Big Weekend

Our open weekend is from Friday evening 27th May – 6.00pm to 8.00pm & Saturday 28th May – 10.30am to 4.00pm

Last year, Salisbury’s BOWLS BIG WEEKEND was highly successful – we welcomed numerous people to bowls and ultimately gained several new club members.

Our aim is to provide a relaxed, casual and gentle, introduction to bowls and Salisbury Bowling Club.
But we need your help!

We need members to volunteer to be bowls facilitators to:

Introduce visitors to the very basics of bowling, allow them to – no coaching!!

We need members to produce refreshments on the day – Tea & Coffee

If you are willing to help on either day please contact-

Frank or Valerie – 01980 610528
email hidden; JavaScript is required

Give Bowls a go, have some fun and meet new people

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Match Fees & travel costs 2022 season

As promised at the AGM the Management Committee have now set the rules for match fees and travel costs for the 2022 season.

The rules are:

Home matches – £3.00 per player

Away matches – no match fees,
Travel costs – passengers pay drivers an appropriate contribution for the journey taken

The Management Committee

Monday 28 February 2022

2022/2023 Club Membership Subscriptions

Ladies & Gentlemen

Annual membership subscriptions are due with effect 1st April 2022

As agreed by the Management Committee & announced at the AGM subscription charges for 2022/2023 will be unchanged:

Full Membership £145
Social Membership £50

Cheques to be made payable to Salisbury Bowling Club and posted in the cellar door labeled Treasurer

For those wishing to pay direct by BACS, the club account details are
Lloyds Bank
Sort code – 30-97-41 Account Number – 00110054

Friday 11 February 2022


Please see the following for the AGM – in person – on 25th February.


Draft minutes 2020 AGM (circulated by email)

The financial accounts for 2021 will follow next week

Best regards


NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2022 To be held on Friday 25th February 2022 at in the Clubhouse


1. Apologies for Absence
2. To confirm and sign the minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting. (Displayed on Notice Board).
3. Matters arising.
4. Correspondence.
5. Honorary Treasurers Report.
6. Honorary Secretary’s Report.
7. Honorary Match Secretary’s Report.
8. Rule Changes – None proposed for this meeting.
9. Election of Officers for 2022
a. Hon President
b. Hon Vice President
c. Hon. Treasurer
d. Hon Assistant Treasurer
e. Hon. Secretary
f. Hon. Assistant Secretary
g. Hon. Membership Secretary
h. Hon. Match Secretary
i. Four Committee Members – (1 Lady and 2 Men for 2 Years.)
j. Mixed Triples Coordinators
10. Election of Two Reviewers
11. Progress Report on the Green
12. A.O.B. Hon. Sec. To be notified, in writing, at least 7 days prior to the A.G.M. meeting date.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

SBC Comms 2022 – 01 Men


So we start 2022 in a slightly better fashion than 2021 – no lockdown, and the club house open for the indoor league and competitions

A few things to start the year off

The Management Committee meeting has been put back to 20th January, so if there are any issues that you would like to be raised

Thursday 14 October 2021

Salisbury Bowls Club – More use of Clubhouse

Can we get to meeting up again socially? Enjoy companionship? Catch up with old friends/acquaintances and possibly make new ones?

Our bowls club offers a great opportunity with its well-appointed clubhouse to achieve these goals.
Even having restrictions from the pandemic, provided we strictly follow government guidelines and using common sense, we could begin getting together every so often for a couple of hours socialising over a cuppa.

We will be trialling this idea on a couple of half days. The first will be Wednesday 27th October from 2 pm and again on Friday 12th November from 10 am.

In addition to just chatting, it is also proposed that members and partners should have the opportunity of taking part in an activity. The possibilities are endless:

Card and Board games, Arts & Crafts (make your own greetings cards), Learn a skill (e.g. beginners bridge and chess, crochet, etc.), quizzes and so many more.

Suggestions for other activities would be welcome, e.g. talks and outings.

To cover the cost of heating and lighting there will be a charge of £2 per person. This also covers a cup of tea/coffee & biscuits. Any surplus will go towards the clubhouse refurbishment fund.

We ask that everyone helps to leave the premises as we find them and tidy up the area around your table, etc.

If successful, it is intended to meet fortnightly through the winter months.

Looking forward to your company,

Jackie & Geoff Bull, Jane & Roger Neill.

Mens Bowling Committee – Leagues for 2022

At the end of a Covid affected season which proved successful for our teams, finishing fourth in the County 4 rink league, and our two teams Hurricanes and Spitfires, finishing first and second in the Salisbury & District Triples league, separated only by a small shot difference, we now have to start looking forward to the 2022 season.

There are decisions to be taken at the S&D AGM, due to be held on 10th November and we need to know the views of our members before deciding how to vote.

For the 2021 season, all matches were between THREE triples, accepting that some members of most clubs were still reluctant to play especially early in the season, but the normal format of FOUR triples per team is likely to be proposed for 2022.

With two squads, we were just about able to field three triples for all matches, with the help of four of our ladies, but we need to know how many of our members are prepared to be available for 18 matches in the S&D league, as two FOUR triple teams would have been impossible in 2021.

Please contact John Hurle for a copy of the questionnaire and reply to John Hurle by the 14th OCTOBER latest so that we can plan ahead. For those who have not played S&D matches before, we have home and away games against Alderbury, Amesbury, Andover (2 teams), Downton, Pewsey Vale (2 teams) and Wilton. If we decide to continue with two teams, we also have to play each other twice, making 18 games in all.

In 2021, we tried where possible to use a rotation policy to ensure that all the players who indicated they were available for the 2 squads, got matches, and this was successful. However, we can only operate with two teams (either 3 or 4 triples) if we have more people prepared to commit to being available, as resources were very stretched on a number of occasions.

There is also a question to be answered as to whether you feel that the enlightened decision to allow ladies to play in 2021 should continue into future seasons. We are aware that some clubs did not support this idea and wish the league to revert to “Men only”. However, without the ladies who helped us out, we would have struggled to field teams. Please answer on the questionnaire.

Your committee is minded to inform both the Wilts 4 rink and S&D leagues that Salisbury will NOT be providing suppers after matches. In 2021, no suppers were provided by any clubs, and the general feeling seems to be that the time saved without a supper meant an earlier arrival home, particularly beneficial for some of the longer journeys to away games. Again, if you have strong feelings about this issue, please say so on the questionnaire.

We also draw your attention to the Mixed Triples league and club friendly matches. Support for these games, particularly from newer bowlers, will be very welcome.

For obvious reasons, we did not hold a Men’s General Meeting in 2021, but give advance notice of the 2022 meeting which we propose to hold on Tuesday 18th January at 7 p.m. At this meeting we need to elect our Men’s officers for the 2022 season, so please look out for the nomination forms which will be posted in the changing room in Mid November.

Again, please reply to email hidden; JavaScript is required by 7th OCTOBER latest, so that the committee knows better how our members feel. John will be the President of S&D for 2022 and we wish him well.

Thank you.

Men’s Bowls Committee

Monday 19 July 2021

Salisbury Bowling Club Update

In line with current Government COVID regulations Salisbury Bowling Club is with immediate effect fully open.

However we endorse Bowls England current guidance, below, and would ask all Club members to respect their fellow members choice regarding their own well-being.

Bowls England Updated: 15th July 2021

From Monday 19th July, Clubs are not required to enforce any COVID restrictions by law. We are recommending, however, that Government guidance on mask wearing indoors is still adhered to by our Clubs, and that all Clubs continue to utilise the NHS COVID app to ensure the spread of the virus is limited.

We are sure that the bowls community will respect people’s personal choices regarding masks, social distancing.

The Track and Trace the NHS COVID QR remains in place at all club entrances and should be used.

Rink Booking – the Rink booking board, situated in the lounge is now in use.

Match Availability Cards – these should now be available in the appropriate changing rooms to notify your availability for league matches etc.

Rink Equipment – is now in the equipment shed, key to be found in the men’s changing room.

Finally there have been several instances lately when the main door to the club has been found open and the club empty – It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the club is locked and secure on leaving.

The Management Committee

Friday 18 June 2021


There seems to exist some confusion as to what rules currently apply to members for use of the club.

Nothing has changed since the rules were last updated and distributed to all members.

For clarification

Only members who have booked a bowls session are allowed to access and use the club.

This has a dual purpose –

1. The Department of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport have directed Bowls England that Bowls Clubs may open for organised sport only. For it to be organised it must be a booked formal session. Spectators are allowed and must book in on the register in the entrance hall.

2. Booking enables the club to meet the legal requirements of “Track and Trace”

All areas of the clubhouse with the exception of the changing rooms and toilet are off limits.

Changing rooms have an occupancy limit of 4 members or two households.

MASKS must be worn at all times in the Clubhouse.

It has been reported to Bowls Wiltshire that Wiltshire Council Environmental Health Officers have been visiting Bowls Clubs to ensure their compliance with current National COVID legislation – the monetary penalty for non compliance is substantial.

The Management Committee asks your support in complying with our legal COVID duties and responsibilities.

Saturday 9 May 2021

Bowls Big Weekend 2021

These will be our main recruitment days of the year

We need volunteers each day to

• Welcome visitors at the gate and in the car park.
• Help with making tea, coffee and soft drinks for visitors to enjoy during their visit.
• Prepared to play on the green to show we are an active club. One or two rinks as triples so that visitors can see the game being played.
• Who would be happy to show visitors the basics of bowls, so that they can ”have a go” in a relaxed way.
• To run some fun activities on the green.

If you are able to offer some time over the three days to help, please contact Graham on 322397 or email hidden; JavaScript is required so that the rotas can be arranged.

Although the clubhouse will be available after 17th May, there are still limits as to the number of people on site at any one time, so we plan to be outside as much as possible. Current restrictions mean that only 30 people can be at the club at any one time, so careful planning is essential.

The most important contribution ALL members can make is to invite and bring family and friends to have a go at bowls. Three sessions will be held each afternoon, starting at 2, 3 and 4 p.m. and we need people to book a time in advance if at all possible.

Please book a session on the club website


Thursday 29 April 2021

SBC Admin

Here are a few important new admin facts for you to take on board for this season.

The Bar – Salisbury Bowling Club now has a cashless bar (contactless card reader) – have your bank card with you if you wish to purchase a drink.

Match Fees –

Payment of match fees is in abeyance until June 21st.
Thereafter fees will be £2.00 per match – to cover incidentals i.e. green costs, utilities, scorecards etc.
Travel cost will no longer be paid. If car sharing, passengers are expected to make a fair contribution for the drivers expenses.

Match Availability – will continued to be managed by email and phone until the lockdown rules allow unlimited access to the club house.

Management Committee

Thursday 15 April 2021

Eric Vincent

I am very sad to have to report the passing of Eric Vincent, Grandfather of James, after a period of ill health.

Eric was, for many years, a stalwart member of Alderbury BC, who joined Salisbury in recent years, initially as a social member. Due to Covid he was unable last year to bowl on our green, having become a full bowling member, but spent many hours watching James play in competitions and matches for our club.

We were very grateful to him for donating a new 2 Wood trophy to the club, replacing the previous worn out one, and it was fitting that James was the first recipient of the new trophy!

Many of us will remember Eric as someone who was always excellent company, and will miss the banter we shared.

We send our best wishes to James and his family at this sad time.

Graham. 15/04/2021

Monday 2 March 2021

Salisbury Bowling Club – 100 Club

Pauline Watts has made the last draw for the 2020/21 100 Club and is now starting afresh.

Last year netted a £400 profit into the clubs coffers (well done Pauline) in addition to prizes for club members.

If you wish to enter the 2021/22 100 club, Pauline requests that you pay your entry fees as below – £10 per entry.

The bank A/C No if you do a bank transfer is

Mr M H Watts 47238801, Sort Code 54-41-19 at the Nat West Bank, Salisbury.

If you would rather send a cheque could you make it payable to Mr M H Watts and send it to Pauline at;

19 Harnwood Road, Salisbury SP2 8DD.


Saturday 20 February 2021

Jim Dolman

It’s with great sorrow I have to announce that after a short illness Jim Dolman passed away on Saturday 20th February.

Jim was a member of Salisbury Bowling Club for 25 years. He was a committed and active supporter of the club: he served as Men’s Captain in 2001, Club President in 2003 and Captained the Westbrook league team for many years. Additionally he was a long serving member of the greens team. On completion of Jim’s year as Club President he donate our current club flag.

Jim was an active and successful bowler: a regular member of the Wiltshire 4 Rink and S&D league teams and won several club bowling honours. Notably winning the Men’s drawn pairs four times, three in successive years and the Men’s club triples three times.

Jim, with his cheery disposition and steadfast loyalty to the club will be sorely missed.

Frank Botting

Friday 16 October 2020

Danny has left the building ~ dropped the mike

Hi Everyone

Long time in happening in a very mixed up year but I have finally made the jump and am now living in Portchester.

My new bowling club is Fareham, but I was very honoured to become a life member of Salisbury Bowling Club and fully intend to visit and play in hopefully a better 2021 season.

I am very happy to continue to run this website and keep in touch. The content will of course depend on members submitting content, (articles, match reports, photos etc) so keep it in mind and let me know.

Due to the change in contact details, using the email email hidden; JavaScript is required will find its way straight to me.

Keep on bowling


Tuesday 25 August 2020

Salisbury Bowling Club indoor bowls

Hi all,

The Club Management Committee have been considering to what extent the indoor facilities can be made available for members to play indoors over the winter months – and remain COVID compliant.
The provisional scheme is

To open the indoor green:
o Monday – Friday
o Four Bowling Sessions Daily of 1hour and a half.
o Of one rink up to a maximum of six players
• Bowling sessions will be available via a booking system – possibly online.
• Indoor facilities will be restricted to:
o The indoor green
o Toilets
o Bar social area – which will have very limited seating.

Players will be responsible for sanitising the areas used on completion of play.

Access will be via the side gate and rear door into the club.

In order to progress the arrangements we need some feedback from members.

o If we open the indoor green would you use it? positive responses only please
o Apart from Triples rollups what format of games would you be interested in playing
o Triples Leagues?
o Triples Knockout competition?

Let me have your responses ASAP please.


Sunday 2 August 2020

Ken Fagg

It is with sadness that I have to pass on the news that Ken Fagg passed away recently. For those members who knew Ken he will be greatly missed. Ken had been a member of the club for many years and was a stalwart supporter of the men’s leagues teams and social events of Salisbury Bowling Club.


Saturday 16 May 2020

Salisbury Bowling Club – Reopening the green – progress report

The management committee met yesterday – a meeting on the green – to discuss and agree on the actions required for reopening the outdoor Bowling Green.

The following is a summary of actions already achieved, the tasks still to be completed and organizational and administrative decisions formally agreed by the committee.

Bowling Green

We now have a full team of members who will mow the green three times weekly:

Roland Batten
Neil Gillespie
Jim White
Merv Ford
Steve Gregory
Harold Wilmot
Romney Denning
Graham Annetts
Tom Warner

The cutting height is being reduced incrementally. It is estimated the bowling grade height should be achieved by Monday 25th May.

It should be noted that the majority of those members who have volunteered to mow the green, have no intention of using it!

Access to the Green

A keypad lock has been purchased and will be fitted next week.

Hand and surface sanitiser

Alcohol sanitiser has been sourced – members who utilize the green need to be economical in their usage – it’s not easy to come by.

Booking System

We now have 7 members who will run a telephone rink booking service on a weekly rotational basis.
It should be noted that some of those members who have volunteered to administer this service, have no intention of using it!


Draft instruction for using the bowling green have been written and agreed by the Management Committee – these will be issued in due course.

Clubhouse – As previously stated the clubhouse will remain secured and out of bounds, including the toilets. This may seem somewhat inconvenient to some members, who intend to use the green. Whilst the Department of Digital, Media, Culture and Sport Guidelines and Bowls England Guidance states access to clubhouses is acceptable for toilet use, if safe and practicable to do so, there are too many insurmountable problems and issues to achieve this.

The clubhouse is considered an unoccupied building by our insurers and therefore requires the security system to be active. To allow access would require the system to be deactivated for toilet use. This theoretically could occur several times during the day, seven days of the week – we cannot just leave the rear door open all day, from a security standpoint. The Clubhouse of course would need to be checked and secured last thing at night, after the last users. We all know whom this task would inevitably fall to, Graham – he’s not willing to undertake this and the committee will not sanction it.
Secondly if the toilets were accessible and in use they would require decontaminating several times daily! The simple question is WHO would do this?

Copies of Department of Digital, Media, Culture and Sport Guidelines and Bowls England Guidance << click here for pdf version >>.


Lastly we need to have some idea how many members intend to use the green – a great number of members are putting in a lot of time and effort to facilitate access and use of the green, it has to be worth while!



Thursday 19 March 2020

Life Membership – Colin Hardiman

Hi All

It was the intention of the Club Management Committee to confer Life Membership, to Colin Hardiman, at the first club event of the new outdoor season, President vs Captain; closure of the club due to our current national crisis, for an indeterminate length of time, is clearly going to prevent this.

Colin is one of the silent backroom boys who have kept our club functioning for many years, both the Clubhouse and the Green. He beavers away unseen; building, painting and maintaining, on our behalf without any thought of reward or thanks. On informing him that we are to make him a Life Member, he was somewhat embarrassed or in Colin words “Gobsmacked” for only doing what he felt he should do as a member of the Club.

I therefore announce that Colin Hardiman is from this day a Life Member of Salisbury Bowling Club

Congratulation Colin, well deserved.

We shall celebrate in the appropriate manner when the Club can meet again.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Club Closure

Hi Everyone

In view of the British Government, yesterday announcing strict new measures to limit the spread of Coronavirus (COVID19) the Bowling Club Management Committee have no option but to CLOSE THE CLUB with immediate effect.

Clearly we cannot just lock the doors and walk away from the club for the duration of the lockdown. The club needs to be maintained and managed and bills paid. In the forthcoming days the Committee will formulate a strategy to accomplish this so that we have a functioning bowls club to come back to – we may well be seeking willing volunteers.

Stay safe

The Management Committee

Friday 21 February 2020

Salisbury Bowling Club – Juniors

Junior membership of the Club

There have been some tentative enquiries made to the management committee about juniors applying for membership of the club – for the club this should be seen as a very positive prospect, which could generate, if successful, a new generation of bowlers.

However, before membership of juniors to the club can be considered the club must have in place a robust and functional system for the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults. Policy covering this and all the associated topics have been written and incorporated into the Clubs Constitution. In order to drive this forward and enable the committee to recommend to the membership the establishment of a junior section we need a member of the club to step forward and take the lead in this matter. This individual would be responsible for the implementation, administration and monitoring all elements of the Safeguarding policy and related issues in association with the management committee.

This issue will be discussed at the Clubs AGM.

If you feel that you could take on this role and/or would like more information please contact either Graham Annetts or Frank Botting
