Bowls Wiltshire Competitions

Bowls Wiltshire Competitions

We wish Fraser and Jamie all the best for the finals of the Mens 2Wd competition at Devizes this weekend
We also wish the SBC team every success in the Tourist Trophy at Devizes this afternoon at 1:00pm

Salisbury & District Mens Finals

Singles Championship
Nick Revell (Salisbury BC) won against Michael Mundy (Pewsey Vale BC) by 21-18.
The match could have gone either way and indeed Michael was ahead for a long period. Nick played very well, and finally won though, the decisive shot being Michael sending the jack back to Nick’s bowls for him to have twenty-one shots.

Toby Fiddy & James Vincent (Salisbury BC) won against Barry Andrews & Gerry Ward (Pewsey Vale BC) by 23-22.
This was another match where Pewsey led most of the time, only to succumb in the twenty-first end when James trailed the jack for two shots.
A small but enthusiastic crowd saw two extremely fine matches, both closely fought.

Two triples from Salisbury BC competed in a match was played at Salisbury.
Nick Revell, Fraser Boynton and Tom Warner won against Toby Fiddy, Graham Annetts and James Vincent by 21-12,.
A match of outstanding bowling.